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Creating Everlasting Memories: A Recap of Grace and Sam's Spectacular Lake Como Destination Wedding

Writer's picture: Harry HyomHarry Hyom
Bride and Groom in Lake Como

I'm just sad it's all over to be honest

Grace and Sam's Lake Como Destination Wedding is one of the memories that can either make you really happy or really sad (depending on which way you happen to be thinking about it at that particular time); On one hand, the very thought of it just makes me sad know that I can never relive that wedding ever again, but then on the other hand, it makes me so happy and appreciative to know that I even had that experience in the first place.

It all came about because Grace is friends and colleagues with Lizzie; the bride of a wedding I had shot a couple of years previous (Lizzie & Jordan's Wedding Blog). I had a great time at Lizzie's (and Jordan's) wedding. They loved their films, wrote me a glowing review and clearly spread the word as well. Grace got in touch to ask the question. I had no information on my site about destination weddings (as I hadn't done one before) so I guess she was checking to see if I would be interested.

It was one of those things in life that you get incredible excited about, before it being completely taken over my nerves and anxiety. Filming weddings is a high pressure gig at the best of times. Now add in some airlines, airport parking, security, customs, insurance, car rental, getting all my camera equipment, lights, tripods etc, in the baggage. Oh and let's not forget how badly drones are hated at airports. All of a sudden, this was a logistical nightmare, albeit one that I was fully prepared to take on. I was somewhat of a project manager in a former life BC (BC: Before Cameras), so this was all well achievable. Besides, people do this stuff all the was just a first for me.

Anyway, I figured out the plan, got the insurance, registered my drone with the EU, booked the flights, apartment, car. Packed up my cousin and best friend (they kind of agreed to caddy for me in return for tagging along. They were invisible to the wedding of course), and off we went!

We arrived in Milan two days before the wedding. I wanted to make sure I had some contingency time to play with in case of any delays or anything else that can arise whilst travelling. Of course, no issues. Everything went smoothly and we arrived on time, picked up the car and drove north towards Como City.

Driving in Italy was absolutely fine, the motorways are easy to navigate and thanks to data roaming, I was assisted by google maps anyway. As we arrived into Como City (roughly 45 mins from the airport), there were one-way-city-driving vibes all over the place but we were only driving straight through and out the other side, towards the lake so not really an issue.

Lezzeno, Lake Como, Italy

Okay....So....there is a point in which you turn a corner and get the first glimpse of the lake. It's breathtaking and i can only really compare it to when I saw the Grand Canyon, or Niagara Falls. It really makes you stop and appreciate how stunning this planet really is. At this point, it's still far enough away that it doesn't look real but close enough to know that it is (a weird feeling). This isn't a small lake either. When I think of a lake, I think of a body of water that people has genuinely discussed at some local council meeting, and I imagine the conversation went something like this; "Well is too big to call it a pond, so shall we just put "lake" down on the form?". Lake Como, on the other hand, is one of the deepest lakes in the world. It could swallow the Empire State Building. Not exactly the kind of lake you'd see in a typical english country park.

This is also the point where the roads stop being so easy to drive.

From what I understand, there is one narrow, windy road that circles the lake. You will crash, scrape you car, or worst of all, fall of a cliff, if you aren't driving carefully. Shout out Mitch Kessler (Steve Carell's character from the Morning Show). Literally drove off a cliff in Lake Como (in the series, not in real like).

I digress. Back to the story; We pull up in a little village called Lezzeno, after stopping for a glass of red Lake Como wine in George Clooney's local, en route.

Lezzeno is a small locals village. It's the village before you get to Bellagio (Yes, Bellagio. Where the Las Vegas, hotel is based on), so I imagine most tourists would drive straight through it on the way but not necessarily stop. Bellagio is a much bigger, built up town with glamorous hotels and restaurants; a complete opposite to Lezzeno - personally, I love being outside of the tourist areas. Being surrounded by locals, eating local food and navigating around the language barrier is so much more appealing to me! The wedding was in Lezzeno if you haven't already guessed!

Grace's family are from the village so there are a few businesses (postoffice, pharmacy, etc) that share her surname. Proper locals village. It was an honour to be there, I must say.

After settling in to our apartment, we went of to explore and get some food (and a couple of beers). We ended up meeting a few of the wedding guests that night which was a lot of fun.

The next day, Grace and the girls returned from Como City after her hen party. That evening, Grace, Sam and all of their guests got together at the hotel where the wedding reception was going to be, The Aurora, for pizza and drinks. I joined in and got to know a few people whilst also getting a chance to run through the plan for the following morning.

On the morning of the wedding, I got up early and sent the drone up in the air from my balcony to get some incredible shots of the village and the lake, just after sunrise. I then got dressed, packed up all my gear and walked down to meet Sam so he could give me and quick tour of the church and where he would be getting ready.

I then went to meet Grace and the girls to start filming. They were having a great. There was an impressive breakfast platter to accompany an even more impressive view of the lake.

The lads were loosening up down the road in a wine cellar that must have been there for hundreds of years! They resurface for a couple more beers whilst they waited to walk up to the church!

Grace was now ready to bring the girls to tears for her dress reveal! She looked amazing and was ready to go, after taking a few shot of them all.

Grace and her Bridal party in Lake Como, Italy

Sam was now at the church along with all the guest awaiting Grace's grand arrival as she travelled to the church via boat with the girls and her dad. I was at the church following them with the drone, giving the signal to Sam and the groomsman to get inside and be ready for Grace.

Grace arrived at the absolutely stunning church to the choir singing majestically as Sam caught the first glimpse of his bride.

The ceremony itself was beautiful albeit in Italian and Latin but sometime you don't need to know what is being said to know what it means. It truly was special.

The newlyweds were greeted with lots of confetti as they left the church after signing the paperwork, and then the entire wedding party all walked from the church back to the Aurora where the drinks were ready and waiting!

Obviously, the sun was out, it was hot but not too hot, the views were spectacular, the drinks were flowing, the music was on point, and really isn't much I can think of that would have made this day any better!

Grace & Sam at their Lake Como Wedding

After the food, it was for speeches. All speeches were unbelievable but I do want to give particular shout out to Sam brother, Tom. Watch the video and you'll know what I mean.

Tom, was also first on the decks when the sun was set, playing the some chilled classics!

They cut the cake, danced for the first time and then proceeded to have an incredible party!

By 9pm, Grace and Sam pretty much ordered me to put the camera down and join the party; an order I could not refuse, although I kept the camera in hand - just in case!

Would I shoot another destination wedding?

ummm...yes. In a heartbeat!

Wedding Highlights Film Trailer:

Wedding Highlights Film Trailer:


© 2024 by Harry Hyom | I Do Flix Wedding Videography

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